Code Refactor Updates


The refactor is now complete, and the updated wiki code, and packages, have been published. All the repositories are under the fedwiki GitHub organization .

Plugins - each plugin has its own repository. The names take the form wiki-plugin-[plugin name].

Server - The server code is now in the fedwiki/wiki-node-server repository, and published as the wiki-server package.

Client – The client repository now contains all the components required by the client. Previously some remained in the server's client directory.

Wiki - The wiki GitHub repository is used to install the packages that comprise a wiki installation. It is intended that those wanting different mixes of plugin will use this as a starting point.

TODO - there are still many things to do:

✔ review updates since the refactor branch. The obvious ones are the recent plug-in updates.

- documentation - automate the production of documentation from the code - add more documentation to the code to aid comprehension and publish to repositories github pages (docco).

✔ add version tags to all the repositories.

- testing

09 Dec 2013

Plug-ins have been updated to include changes since starting the refactor. Updated method, twadio, txtzyme (now at version 0.1.1).

Client has been updated to include updates since starting the refactor. Client is still in the paul90/refactor branch.

A test version of the refactored wiki has deployed to OpenShift .

15 Dec 2013

The `wiki-exp` package has now been published. See GitHub repository . Having now written an initial ReadMe.

21 Dec 2013

The latest version of wiki-client and wiki-server are back in step with the master branch, and the paul90/refactor branch on GitHub has been updated.

As far as I can see, the plugin packages are all up to date.

8 Jan 2014

All the plug-in repositories have now been moved to the 'fedwiki' GitHub organization (with the necessary updates to reflect this change).

25 Jan 2014

The refactored code has now been published.